HOME | Finding our spine workshop

Finding our spine workshop

Wednesday July 26th, 7pm to 9pm

About the workshop

Our spine is the axis of our body a structure with great architecture that is representative of our relationship with our environment.
This workshop will teach you how to understand your spine, reveal its power and potential  and how to transform what many people see as a weakness into a strength.
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About the workshop

Our spine is the axis of our body a structure with great architecture that is representative of our relationship with our environment.
This workshop will teach you how to understand your spine, reveal its power and potential  and how to transform what many people see as a weakness into a strength.
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The workshop will cover theoretical and practical elements. 
  1. The foundational principles of our practice and how we understand spinal architecture.
  2. What principles we apply to create resilience in our spinal architecture to prevent injury and integrate into performance, how it relates to pre existing spinal conditions and how to prevent future spinal conditions.
  3. Physical tasks and movement situations that will create resilience flexibility and strength in our spine.
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The workshop will cover theoretical and practical elements. 
  1. The foundational principles of our practice and how we understand spinal architecture.
  2. What principles we apply to create resilience in our spinal architecture to prevent injury and integrate into performance, how it relates to pre existing spinal conditions and how to prevent future spinal conditions.
  3. Physical tasks and movement situations that will create resilience flexibility and strength in our spine.
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